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通过对众多学者在门学科和社会生活中“财富”概念认识差异的分析,坚持了广义财富概念和狭义财富概念的分类,认同自然资源不是财富,和劳动一样,自然资源只是生产财富的源泉之一。同时,认同和支持古典经济学、马克思主义经济学中财富概念的定义,认同“财富是因稀缺而需要通过劳动生产出来的对人类有用的产品”。建议坚持经济学自身对“财富”概念的界定。  相似文献   
从男性的眼里看女性守贞,从一个侧面反映了男性对于性的认识和态度,以及对性别平等的认识和男性觉悟的程度。当代大学男生对婚前性的严厉与包容并存,性别歧视依然存在,但性别公平意识在不断增强,部分男性觉悟到了父权文化和体制对女性的伤害。  相似文献   
涂尔干认为,社会分工破坏了以相似性为基础的社会机械团结,但创造了以差异性为基础的社会有机团结。但是,社会分工和有机团结本身,必须借助法律的确定性才能实现,法律是社会团结的主要形式。发掘法律的社会团结功能,就是必要的。  相似文献   
关于劳动报酬在一次分配中所占比重问题的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分配率是衡量国民收入初次分配公平与否的重要指标。分配率中劳动者报酬总额占GDP比重越高,表明劳动者的工资性收入在国民收入初次分配中所得份额越大,社会分配越公平。但由于目前我国劳动者的报酬总额计算范围窄、我国在一次分配中分配差距大,使劳动报酬总额占GDP比重在计算和评价上有先天缺陷。本文解析我国劳动报酬占GDP比重计算中存在的问题,探讨对劳动报酬在一次分配中占比重的认识与评价标准以及正确的计算方法。  相似文献   
近年来,随着非公有制经济的发展,非公有制领域就业人口的逐渐增多,劳资矛盾冲突问题越来越突出。劳资关系是马克思恩格斯研究的核心,通过分析资本对劳动的剥削理论,马克思恩格斯构建起来科学社会主义的理论大厦。马克思恩格斯的劳资关系思想主要包括劳资关系形成的基础、资本对劳动的剥削与劳资矛盾、资本对劳动的权力、资本积累收入差距、工会在劳资关系中的作用、世界市场与国际劳资关系等内容。  相似文献   

Recent studies have begun to attend to distribution of household labor within same-gender couples compared to heterosexual couples, yet much of the available research with lesbian couples has attempted to superimpose division of household labor frameworks developed with heterosexual couples (e.g., gender role socialization, exchange bargaining theories) to fit the experiences of same-gender couples. Using two academic search databases, the present article provides a systematic review of the available 28 peer-reviewed articles published from 2000–2015 about lesbian partnerships and household labor divisions. Results indicate that lesbian couples engage in a more equal distribution of household labor than heterosexual couples, and that lesbian women often opt to eschew traditional gendered divisions of chores in favor of other factors such as quality of task or ability. The systematic review uncovered notable constraints in the demography of participants (e.g., race, socioeconomic status, geographic location) across studies. Strategies for deepening the depth and breadth of this line of work for future researchers, and implications for relationship satisfaction are also discussed.  相似文献   
This article examines the formation of a cross‐movement coalition between elements of the labor and environmental movements in New Jersey. We explain the successful formation and initial political campaign of the New Jersey Work Environment Council with an expansion of the theoretical perspective of frame analysis. We propose a model of a coalition collective action frame that offers several important insights into the active role coalition actors play in the construction of a common frame uniting union and environmental activists. Using qualitative data gathered from interviews, observations, and document analyses of two major campaigns, we argue that the coalition frame allowed new political opportunities to be created, leading to the establishment of the most sweeping right‐to‐know laws in the United States. We conclude the discussion of coalition framing by examining political constraints on the framing possibilities of coalitions, specifically by exploring how the discursive shift from the right to know to the right to act failed to expand the influence of the cross‐movement coalition as originally expected by its members.  相似文献   
本文运用美国健康与退休研究数据和多种计量方法研究代际财富转移、时间转移与中老年女性劳动力供给之间的关系,以及代际转移在子女间的差异。结果表明,中老年女性更可能通过参加工作来对子女提供资金支持;同时在保持其原有工作量的条件下,牺牲闲暇时间照顾孙子女。此外,与儿子相比,她们更可能向女儿提供财富和时间转移;与继子女相比,则倾向于向亲生子女进行转移。  相似文献   
明代后期,地处赣东北山区、交通不甚便利的江西景德镇却同经济较发达的苏、淞、嘉、杭地区一样出现资本主义生产关系的萌芽,表现在景德镇制瓷业中出现带有新的经济因素的手工工场和作坊、自由雇佣劳动力的广泛使用和作为商品经济的产物——瓷器拥有国内外广大市场.制瓷业的发展,不仅使景德镇产生了新的生产关系的萌芽,而且使景德镇成为当时"富甲一省"的地区,景德镇瓷器也成为明政府对外贸易、出口创汇的大宗商品,为明政府长期的对外贸易顺差作出了重要贡献.  相似文献   
运用测量法、文献资料法、评分计算法和数理统计法,对湛江师范学院男排运动员的13项身体素质进行统计学分析,且对不同位置、不同特征、不同个体的男子排球运动员的身体素质进行优劣研究和分析,从而寻找运动员的训练基本规律和关键因素,能较好地揭示其内在规律,为制定不同位置排球运动员身体素质训练的计划与训练比重提供理论依据.  相似文献   
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